
Laatste nieuws

Setting limits

and saying no…

Sensory play – Pirate boat

Acitivity for 3+ years old…

5 Steps to Manage Your Work/Life Balance

as a Busy Expat Parent…

The importance of

artistic expression…


and living in the Netherlands…

Yoga and sports

at the lake…

Gardening project for children

At international childcare Scheveningen / The Hague…

The value of early learning

at Big Ben Kids…

Big Ben Kids music workshop

Learn about music in a fun way…

Scavenger hunt

A fun way to learn…

What does a holiday camp look like

At Big Ben Kids…

Praten over

De oorlog in Oekraïne…

How to talk to children

In challenging times…

Sensory Activity with fruit

Activity for 3+ years…


By Marjes Elling, lactation consultant IBCLC…

The benefits of risky play in childcare

At Big Ben kids, children are encouraged to learn and develop from risky play…

Going to childcare

For the first time…

Sciences experiments for children

At Big Ben Kids…

How to create

A home routine…

Webinar met Steven Pont

Een samenvatting…

Activity with a Christmas twist

Acitivity for 3-4 years old…

Painting with natural brushes activity

Acitivity for 2+ years old…

Benefits of psychomotor skills


Activity with ice

Acitivity for 2-4 years old…

Kagan Cooperative Learning

What is cooperative learning…

How to raise successful kids

Without parenting…

Building a bird nest activity

Acitivity for 3-4 years old…

Fun art activities for children

5 fun art acitivies to do at home…

The Netherlands: the best place to raise children

In September 2020, the Netherlands again ranked first
for raising the happiest children…

The benefits of group activities for children in childcare

Children love to play, and it is through the offer of various activities and games that young children learn…

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